Who is Dot?
Plainly, I am a college student, studying at a large, public university in the middle of America. I have no problem releasing the name of the university, but I also find it pleasant to never mention it directly by name, as to give readers a reason to look closer. At the time of writing this, I will begin my third year of attendance, working toward my bachelors degree in Public Administration and Policy. I chose this major for a multitude of reasons. One being that two other fields of study -- journalism and communications -- weren't my cup of tea. Currently, I have ambitions to make a difference somewhere in the public domain, whether it be working on the web, or designing road systems and improving public works. Below is some basic information and links, and I encourage all site visitors to read below that for an important note.
Other Misc. Info
Important note:
This page very well may seem out of place on this website or in this community. I am aware of this, and it has often been a thing I have dealt with in my life. I mention it on the page multiple times, but I do maintain a large variety of interests. While I have actually been trying scale them down, it becomes difficult, and the urge to interact with the communities surrounding them is too large despite me not "fitting in" with them. The best example of this I can say is my lack of inclusion of some items you may see on other sites. There are some bits of information about myself I will forever attempt to keep myself from mentioning directly. However I am not ashamed of these things, and will not shy away from letting the information evolve into the site as I develop it, unashamed of who I am and what I represent. I am a traditionalist, and I've never taken too much concern on general design and presentation over content. With this in mind, I hope you understand my amateur web coding skills, and enjoy it nonetheless! Cheers!