Welcome to July, 2024!

This is the first entry I am making on this site, and I am thrilled to be doing so. I will utilize this entry as a framework for what I want this blog to look like. Primarily, I am using this as a way to keep myself updated with my own life. In other words, a form of disipline for myself so time doesn't blend too much together. While I have not decided how personal and open I will be on here, I will reveal information as it fits into the topic. That being said, I intend on releaseing a post on the 30th of each month, essentially digesting the past four weeks into a comprehensive checkup or story. This out of the way, let's get into July...

Sunsets of Southwest Florida

When people think about the good and bad things in their life, perhaps more often then not they consider events that occured, or a certain happenstance. I find myself thinking of the consistencies. Things in life that, whether they are grand not, happen. One member of this consistency club is the sunset. Simple the concept, yes, it proves time and time again as a uniquely beautiful end to a day. Where you experience this sunset determines its strength, and ultimately, its effect on your mental well-being.

I have had the pleasure of spending the final weeks of July at my residence in Southwest Florida. The sunshine state has the most of its namesake, and positionally, its southwestern tip has prime positioning for the most effective of finalizers. On my lanai, at around 8:00PM in the mid-summer mug, the sky opens across the river into a multi-colored array of life and love. Its warming property doesn't come from the fading sun, but the heartfelt nature of the earth bidding farewell to another of the many days if offers us.

So at the end of your next day, take a look at your nearest horizon for a sunset. Perhaps your day will be improved, perhaps you will learn something. But what I will affirm to you now is this; the sunset will never be against you, the sunset will never want to hurt you. It is there to remind you of how beautiful each day will end and begin, with the colors you see and the love and life you feel spread throughout the sky.

This has been Dot, thank you for reading!

thank you repth, for the perfect design.