This is about sports

On this page I will discuss a few topics; The Minnesota Vikings, The University of Missouri Tigers, The St. Louis Cardinals, Blues and City, and West Ham United. These are in no particular order. I will provide a brief history around these teams and their meanings.
Growing up, my father was fortunate enough to have season tickets to, none other than, the St. Louis Rams. For me, this team was everything growing up. A very early glimpse of my love of sports and the beauty of competition is seeded in this immacualte combination of exposure to St. Louis NFL football and Missouri Football. The University of Missouri was my fathers alma mater, and this being the fact that it is, alongside Mizzou's success in my early childhood (2007, 2013 etc.), heightened my love of football, and sports in a major way. I write here the passion and love for something that shaped the way I make my decisions, base my rationales, and handle relationships. Competition. Sports.

14 Aug 2024

Sports and What is Upcoming

I have never participated in fantasy football. Today, oh the day it was, marked my maiden voyage into the strange world of fantasy football.
You see, I have played fantasy sports before. I am a heartily seasoned, multi-faceted three-season veteran of fantasy baseball. Of course, I mean this with a level of sarcasm. It has always suprised me how I have never participated in fantasy football. Every friend group I have been in throughout my years of schooling has, pretty much, played it almost every season. My best friend's as of recently in life are major football fans like myself. So why have I only played fantasy baseball? I love baseball. It really is that simple. I am more interested in the concepts, systems, and metrics that baseball abides by, moreso than football. These exist in a parallel, however. In the past three years, I have found myself more and more infatuated with the aspects of american football that no other sport can grasp. The physicality alongside tactical and strategic manuverabilty is not replicated in ANY compeition. I highly anticipate the first post in this section to be a good one.

15 Aug 2024